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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 24, 2013 6:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> good morning to you. it is saturday. it is august 24th. i'm ainsley earhardt. i'm filling in for alisyn this morning. we start with a fox news alert. a manhunt is underway this morning for the second suspect of the brutal murder of the 88-year-old world war ii veteran delbert belton with one teenager already arrested, police are still searching for this suspect. keenan adam kennard. we're going to bring you the lalast in this investigation. >> and i am mike in for tucker. it's been nearly a year since the attack in benghazi and still no one has faced prosecution for the crime. so why the special op. teams tasked with hunting down the suspects now leaving libya for good?
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>> one author making a shocking claim just in time for students to return to school. why she says there is a war on boys in america's classics. schools hostile to young boys. we're going to debate it "fox & friends" hour one starts right now. >> mike, mike, mike, mike, mike, what day is it, mike? >> it's "fox & friends." [rooster crowing] >> clayton: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends." keep track of what day it is, mike. >> mike: it's not hump day it's saturday. it's so interesting to bed in the new studio with the new curvey couch it's so clean. unreal. >> clayton: does this studio look familiar? >> mike: this was mike's studio back in the day. >> mike: not that far back. >> clayton: you guys built this studio. [ buzzer ] >> clayton: coming up in the show a little bit mike was already asking me about this a device that let's you capture audio of anything going on in the day when spousal fights when the wife says to you i
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never said that you will be able it play this device back on your wrist and say honey, let's listen back to our fight a couple hours ago. >> mike: is this a good thing? >> ainsley: maybe not. or do you want to know what those girlfriends in the corn remember talking about. >> mike: the gossip? aaron's. >> ainsley: we're going to get to that later in the show. first headlines and serious news of what happened overnight. u.s. defense officials confirming that warships are on the move now to syria. [chanting] >> ainsley: this comes as scores of syrians are protesting as you see the government's apparent use of chemical weapons. the warships could be used for a crews missile strike. president obama is down playing intervention without a mandated from the u.n. mystery soft. we now know where samantha power was when there was an emergency u.n. meeting. she was on a personal trip to ireland. power missing that meeting
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just 19 days after she assumed the post. also new this morning, grammy winning singer linda ryanstat is revealing she has been dealing with parkinson's disease ♪ always breaks my hart in two. >> recent interview with the arp the 67-year-old music legend says she was diagnosed 8 months ago has been experiencing symptoms for as long as 8 years. ron stat says that the neurological disorder has left her unable to sing and she must now travel using a wheelchair. army major nidal hasan found guilty on all counts in the fort hood shooting rampage. he sat stone faced as that verdict was read. sentencing will begin on monday. hasan faces the death penalty for killing 13 people and injuring 30 others when he opened fire nearly 30 years ago. all 14 jurors must vote for execution or he will get life in prison.
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if you write a letter to pope francis, he just might answer you back with a phone call. a handful of total strangers say they have gotten calls from the popular pontiff. he surprised them by simply saying it's the pope. pope francis recently called a student, an italian man whose brother was and a columbian woman to thank her for a book that she sent. >> seriously if you have got a call and somebody said it's the pope, would you believe it? what does he have to say he is the pope? >> rick: rick reichmuth quit kidding around. we need rick right now. i can't keep track of them all. >> rick: really big fire. the video very scary. burning in just a little built inside the border of yosemite park. the big concern here is it is right in the general area there is another
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reservoir san francisco about 85% of its water from the reserve, a dam built back in '34. the river goes right back into that. now there is concerns that they got a lot of the power from two of the different reservoirs right there and now big concerns. so they have declared a state of emergency. this allows them to free up some funds to get some funds where they can buy some energy and water on the open market there. very concerning for them. the fire as of yesterday was at 63,000 acres. and 5% contained. those numbers will change as soon as it guess updated later on this, no. we will bring that to you. temps a little bit cooler there is a little bit of moisture that's going to be moving into the area. that's good news for all of this area across the west that's burning, there is a tropical system off the coast of baja, california. it's going to move into the southern california area. not as a tropical storm but the moisture will get into that area. i don't think, ainsley, that it's going to get right to where the yosemite fire is any kind of moisture that gets into the area will help.
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hopefully it will track more in that direction. >> ainsley: state of emergency provided in san francisco because it provides all the power for that city. thanks so much, rick. >> rick: a fox news alert now. manhunt underway for the second suspect of a brutal murder of a world war ii vet. 88-year-old delbert belton survived being shot in oak kin that what you. >> >> clayton: police said these two teenagers allegedly jumped anymore a parking lot in spokane, washington wednesday night as he was on his way to play a game of pool. spokane police still searching for key than adams kennard seen here in want thissed poster. he. former d.c. detective rod wheeler. nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. such a horrifying story. this individual demetrius glen arrested on friday. what part of this investigation, where do they go now to try to get this other guy? >> the police honestly
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believe this guy is somewhere in the local area up there. can i tell you and i have been following the reports overnight. they are actually checking and a lot of these guy's relatives homes. he has relatives in the neighboring states. they are also checking all of those areas. i honestly believe they are going to find this guy today. he is very violent obviously by the attacks they did on this old guy here. they may be armed. the police don't know that they're pulling out every stop to try to find this kid. >> mike: what are you hearing about the past of these perpetrators? >> both of these individuals have had run-ins with the law. they are not squeaking clean young men. these are guys that have had run-ins with the law before. they are very familiar with both of these individuals. it didn't come as a surprise. one thing that is a little unusual is the fact that neither one of these individuals have committed a crime such as this before. the police are calling this a robbery situation that, you know, for some reason or another they have decide the to kill the guy after
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robbing him. they amped up the antiin terms of criminal charges. >> we have been reporting on so many senseless acts. australian guy was killed because they are bored. and then you have. this what does it say about our culture here in america for young teenage boys? >> you know, i think it says a lot, ainsley. a lot of people are trying to figure out what exactly is going on with our youth of today? they are becoming a lot more violent now. i as a criminologist and criminal investigator has been following this quite extensively. can i tell you that this drug, maly, i believe is playing a role. the drug makes individuals very aggressive and it's a popular drug amongst teenagers right now. we have to look at that and then we have to look at the other variables as well, ainsley. >> clayton: that's a good point. for our viewers who aren't familiar of that came out of the drug scene in california. >> ainsley: like ecstasy. >> clayton: like ecstasy.
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don't have to go to vegas in a rave club. teens are using it now? >> they are using it a the lo. several police chief on the west coast have actually said this drug is getting out of control. it's a drug that teenagers can get very easily. it's a very cheap drug. like the powdered version of ecstasy. and when they take this drug. it seems like they loose consciousness for period of time. come back and very aggressive. i believe although it hasn't been reported yet. i believe this is the underlying effect of this drug what we see -- what we have been seeing happening lately. >> clayton: rod wheeler life for us this morning. tracking this case for under the circumstances. more on this throughout the show. thanks, rod. >> thank you, guys. >> ainsley: we will talk to the family members of this elderly victim coming up in the show. >> clayton: if you are on -- you will see charges coming against the suspects in the benghazi attacks. now, we are getting word the special operations
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forces in that region in libya are now being pulled out. suspects have been identified. we have not apprehended any of these individuals. but, the administration saying that these forces are going to be relieving libya, pulling out these special operation forces. >> mike: about three weeks away from the anniversary of september 11th a year ago. so what does this mean now? is that it? are we not going to bring someone to justice for this? >> clayton: keeping our eye on them for quite a while. we knew where they were and where these targets are. >> we have a source telling fox news i will read. this we put american special operations in harms way to develop a picture of these suspects and to seek justice. and instead of acting, we stalled. we just let it slip and pass us by and now it's going to be much more difficult. it's already blowing up. daily assassinations. bi weekly prison escapes. we waited way too long. >> mike: this brings up and reminds you of all the quotes and sound bites from
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the president and hillary clinton as well. here is a reminder. >> i have not seen a policy coming out of them that would actually help ordinary folks. and we can't afford the usual washington circus. of distractions and political posturing and special interest and phony scandals. we can't afford that we have got too much work to do. >> the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> ainsley: makes a big difference to the families we talked to one of the families yesterday it makes a big difference in her life. >> you heard the president that was just yesterday in scran stolen in -- scranton in a speech. >> clayton: we haven't heard what these phony scandals are.
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have these targets identified and haven't been able to nab them yet. we know where some of them are. sitting on the beach we laxing. we haven't been able to bring any of them to justice for the death of the ambassador and three. outrageous. >> mike: shocked they would use the term phony scandals. i thought for sure it would go away that line yesterday again in scranton, pennsylvania the term phony scandal used again. >> clayton: even in the press conference he. >> mike: which scandal is phony? we mike. >> clayton: we still don't know. >> ainsley: is he calling this benghazi scandal a phony scandal? >> mike: you can't. when people die you can't call it phony. >> clayton: get your computers fired up this, no. so much more to come including this. president obama hitting the road, telling the students our economy is back on track. >> we have fought our way through a very brutal recession. and now we're at a point
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where we're creating jobs. the economy is growing. >> clayton: students signatures there meanwhile 73% increase in college room and board over the last 10 years. do the numbered a up? we will break it down for you. >> ainsley: trim home from school turns into panic after bus heads wrong way into oncoming traffic. the frightening video straight ahead. at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello?
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>> clayton: welcome back. president obama big news on college bus tour. telling college students our economy is back on track. >> we have fought our way through a very brutal recession and now we're at a point where we're creating jobs, the economy is growing, budget deficits
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are falling, healthcare inflation has been reduced. >> clayton: but do the numbers match up? joining us to weigh in ellen rattner and joy pinkerton. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> clayton: the president saying the economy back on track. look at this, seven out of 8 jobs have been part time in the past four years. a 4% of americans are making less than $30,000 a year and the average unemployment rate has been about 20 weeks. today it's 37 weeks. up significantly under the president. and 8 million americans are stopped looking for work. that may be the most damning number. can a president really say that to college kids? >> first of all, the deficit is going down at a faster rate and the president did talk about that than has ever happened. really since world war ii. secondly, you have got a congress that is not putting in the kind of work that's going to make jobs. and that's what needs to
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happen in this kind of environment and the president inherited this from bush. >> can congress create jobs in we always hear that government can't create jobs. it's congress' fault? >> somebody ought to step, in for example, and help the boilermakers in pittsburgh, boilermaker union 154 that are losing their jobs because the obama epa is shutting down a coal plant. >> clayton: estimated 400 jobs will be lost. >> exactly. if the epa is dedicated to destroying the energy sector in this country, except for quote green jobs then the cock should step. in look, the president is, in fact, the leader and he goes from being on vacation to going on a bus tour. he is not negotiating. if he called in speaker boehner and minority leader mcconnell and said, look, i know you don't like me but as a matter of urgent national priority we have to negotiate something boehner and mcconnell would
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have no. >> clayton: that's why the president is campaigning because we know the budget battle is coming very very soon. is that what the president is trying to do get the political allies on his side the battle is coming. >> i think he thinks if he goes to certain states such as new york, a bit of pennsylvania in scranton that he can get those states on his side and momentum that is his strategy. i hope it works but that's his strategy. >> clayton: are we headed for a government shutdown because of this. >> i don't think so. i think there is more important things to focus on. in addition to the states you mentioned, income down. housing starts down. >> clayton: food stamps 11,000? >> the president has to lead on the economy. >> we both agree that the president has to lead on the economy. congress has to come forward, also the difference between ceo pay and bottom worker pay only used to be seven times when i was growing up.
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now it's huge. you can't have that kind of inequality in the government. >> clayton: county president say to these college kids who have seen 73% of increase in tuition room and board. how are they going to sit there and pay for the college. >> because the president has a teleprompter that's all he needs. >> oh, jim. >> clayton: great to see you this morning. this guy broke out of jail by simply jumping through a window right in front of the guards. >> big update fugitive's where abouts. i have a dream speech. does our country need a modern day martin luther king jr.? that's next. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible?
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>> mike: welcome back. some quick headlines for you. do you remember this dramatic video? an inmate jumping through a window to escape. derek estelle is back in custody, caught in florida. the daring escape happened last month in arkansas. still, look the leap, then sprinted across a parking lot where a get away car was waiting. there he goes. well, he is back in jail. and the discrimination lawsuit that cost cooking queen paula deen her career has been dropped all together. both sides agreed to drop it without any award of cost or fees to any party. here is ainsley. >> thank you, mike. this wednesday marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic speeches ever made. >> i have a dream. [ applause ] that my poor little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.
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i have a dream today. >> ainsley: today, thousands will gather in honor of the historic march on the capitol back in 1963. is there a modern day mlk who could lead that march today? or is this country in need of one? joining us now is jerome hudson project 21. good to he so you this morning. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: good morning. martin luther king jr. focused on nonviolent change. is there a leader today that is doing that as well? >> i certainly hope so. but the chances are the way things are going if there is a martin luther king jr. today they might not live to graduate high school. look at it like, this according to fbi data in 2010 and 20114906 black americans killed under other black americans. more black people kill each other in two years than in 86 years between 1882 and
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1968 according to the tuskegee institute. the problem is that much of these civil rights establishment in the media tend to ignore that harsh reality when it comes to black-on-black crime. >> ainsley: wow, that's interesting. we have seen so much senseless act of hate this week, you had the australian guy killed. this elderly man killed in the parking lot. what is going on? >> well, another one of the unfortunate things is, ainsley, you are absolutely right. is that when we talk about this, most of the media likes to lay this at the feet of racism. i'm no sideline commentator to this. racism was not the motivation of the black thug that held a gun to my heart one morning in december in 2001. it is very disingenuous and gets us nowhere. my life was spared. but the reality is that is not the case in some parts of this country and really
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unfortunate. >> ainsley: are you saying we shouldn't be focusing on race? if that's the case? what should would he be focusing on? what's the root of this problem? >> people actually need to know the reality. the numbers do not lie. and they are really sad. young black males commit almost half of the murders in this country. 14 times more than their white counterparts. when you actually account for age and gender. we're really talking about nearly 3% of the population committing half the murders. and so from the leadership, i'm talking about the president on down, i applaud him for giving an occasional, you know, speech on the importance of fatherhood on father's day, but there really needs to be more dialogue toward the importance of fatherhood. 70% of black children go up today without a father in the home. that dramatically hurts their chances of getting ahead in life. >> ainsley: i agree with that i remember making decisions when i was at parties or whatnot in high
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school and thinking what's my father going to do? i don't want to be in certain situations because i don't want to disappoint him. >> right. >> ainsley: a lot of kids are growing up in families. i was fortunate to have a great dad and still do. what's the message for men out there that are struggling with this that have little boys or girls and families and he they have left the home? what's your message to them? >> absolutely. i would tell them like my father, who was a drill instructor, it was always his proverbial foot in my rear end that kept me in line. i mean, this is america. opportunity is there. all you have to do is work for it you know, i had two loving parents. everything that i have i have worked hard for it it not look for a handout. you can achieve the american dream as long as you work hard. >> all right. great message for you. nice talking to you jerome. we appreciate ithis morning. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. the family said final farewell and buried their
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loved one. two weeks later she turns up? who was in the casket? and brand new developments in the nsa scandal. the agency actually paid millions of dollars to internet companies to spy on you? the developing details next. ♪ we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that. we tend to do a lot of banking online. you play? yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly. chase. so you can.
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[giggles] >> ainsley: thank goodness that glass is. >> >> clayton: it's your shot of the morning. who cares if it's clean. >> little girl making friends with baby gorilla. the two copying each other's movements. sharing a kiss through the glass window. that's amazing. so cute. >> we're here in the tropics right now. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." we have got some headlines for you. happy saturday to you if you are are just waking up. let me tell you what you missed overnight. a story we have been following for you. a department of homeland security employee runs a hate-filled racist web site. we talked about it yesterday. this morning we have learned he has been placed on paid administrative leave but many are outraged that he was even hired to begin with.
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>> they gather information on all of us innocent americans, why not one of their employees who are is in charge of security of buying the guns and ammo. they couldn't do any surveillance if you will on this guy to find out what the heck his vocation is or advocation happened to be trying to kill whites? >> ainsley: the web site predicts and advocates a race war warning of the inevitable clash with whites. a terrifying bus ride home for some florida students. [shouting] >> cell phone video capturing the moment on board the run away bus. the driver says the steering wheel and brakes locked and she had to turn into oncoming traffic. >> watching the videos back now it's very scary. i didn't understand what was going on at the time. now that i understand everything that happened, it's not good. >> luckily, no one was injured. family members thought
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50-year-old cherlyn jackson was dead. they held a funeral for her. then she turned up two weeks later at a hospital. turns out the body in the casket wasn't hers. it was a woman who looked just like her and was found dead at the time that jackson was missing. >> what i have heard from some of the folks that i have been talking to is that this woman looks almost exactly like the real cherlyn jackson. >> it was really strange but i'm glad she is not dead. >> ainsley: philadelphia officials plan to exhume the buried body to find out exactly who they buried. the wait is finally over. kim kardashian and west showing off baby girl north. they posted this picture of the 2 month old on twitter yesterday. the picture was shown during generaller's interview kanye on the finale of chat show. taken heat from critics who speculated that the couple would shop the photo to the highest bidder. >> that's what i thought. >> he said that yesterday.
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i was watching the show. he said everyone thought that we decided not to. many people are saying it's to give chris jenner ratings. it's her last show and she wants to be picked up. >> mike: chris' show is a test run. if enough people watched it they will pick her up a year from now or january? >> ainsley: i'm not sure. >> mike: that baby is the perfect combo of kim and kanye. i guess that's how it works. >> clayton: actually you hope that's the way it turns out. wow, rick a big fan of the chris jenner chat show. >> yeah and courtney. actually maybe courtney. >> one that gave them all the ratings. >> rick: maybe we paid them a lot of money to show that wishing, you think? >> clayton: maybe. a kick starter. >> ainsley: came out of your salary. >> rick: they need money i feel so bad for them. pretty nice day for a lot of the people. in fact a lot of areas across the east coast dealing with another
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spectacular weekend, the northeast, we have been on an incredible terror of great weeks. southeast it has been having the opposite. so much rain you are actually not going to have that bad of a weekend. little bit of rain and tomorrow improves even more. here is your first alert forecast across the east. look at that sunshine there, sun sun sun and temps. not humid at all. spectacular. down to the southeast we will still see a few showers across parts of alabama and georgia. heavier rain towards areas of florida though. that will continue for the weekend. but by tomorrow, i think we are going to dry out a little bit more in across georgia and alabama and south carolina. that's going to be looking very nice. in towards the northern plains it's hot. heating things up here. temps around 15 to 20 degrees above average. look at that fargo today getting to 96 degrees. then out across the west, there is all the fires burning. there will be increased moisture though across especially southern california and arizona by tomorrow. in fact, some possible flooding going on with some rain that will be pulling up into that area. all right, guys, accepted it back to you inside.
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>> ainsley: thank you, rick. >> mike: sometimes can i very naive. the. in sa spying. we know that story already. you know what i thought? well, if the nsa calls up google or somebody like that and says can you help us? we need some information about maybe some bad guys out there. i always thought that maybe google would turn over the information. >> ainsley: hand it over, right? >> mike: it's the nsa the government. i had no idea that the nsa was paying google and other internet entities to, well, spy on us. >> clayton: with that prism scandal. the first thing we heard from google and yahoo we have never heard of this prism scandal. i think that was the response from larry page at google. we simply didn't know about this until yesterday like the rest of you. it turns out in new information that has been release to the guardian newspaper that, in fact, the nsa has cut checks for millions of dollars to google, facebook, microsoft, and, yahoo to do the sort of compliance
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issues. when they give them a fisa court order and google has to look up information on mike jerrick, going to cost them some money. so then the. in sa was cutting checks on behalf of this whole -- >> ainsley: does it bother you. >> clayton: yeah, bothers me because we were led they didn't know anhing about it at all. the fact that they said we didn't know anything about this and yet we are receiving checks on the back side of this? where is this money coming from from the federal government? >> ainsley: coming from you the taxpayer. >> mike: you areworking for the nsa and tools to spy on people. let's say you are in a relationship and you are kind of iffy, i wonder if my wife is cheating on me and those tools are right there at your finger tips. can i check out what she is up to. would you be tempted to do that. >> clayton: turns out. they had a number of people at the nsa not like an epidemic of people at the nsa. we are learning this morning from the "wall street journal" that in fact there was a program. they even give it a name
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called love int. love int. this was the program basically that members of the nsa were using to spy on other people. spy on their spouses, spy on their lovers. mostly it happened when one of their spouses would go overseas. you know, go on a foreign trip or something like that. >> mike: what are they really up to when they are on that trip. >> clayton: monitoring communications and emails. the problem came when they came back in the united states. of course, under the constitution you are not allowed to do that but we now know that they in fact had a name for it. love int. >> ainsley: like love internet. >> or human intelligence. be. >> ainsley: tell us what you think. do you care about this? if you are not doing anything wrong maybe you shouldn't care if they are spying on you. others say too involved. we don't want our tax dollars spent on this. >> mike: you might be saying at home well, i don't have the ability to spy on my loved ones but we do now. what is this device?
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>> ainsley: you are talking about something you can buy clarify clay kick starter campaign launches for this new device called capture. kapture, it's going to be a kick starter campaign. it's t. is a wrist device that will let you, here it is. it will let you capture every conversation around you. so, throughout the day, you ever get in a fight with your spouse or your loved one where later in the day you said. >> mike: right. no, i didn't. >> clayton: let's play it back. go back to the date and time where we were talking about. this it will allow you to capture. here is their facebook page google plus post. they are about to launch their campaign to raise money. >> mike: that device now exists. but the question is, would you if i gave you one, would you use it? would you use it. >> ainsley: you can hear conversations if some of your friends are talking but, i don't know if it picks up every conversation in the room or you could leave the device close to
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where you know girls are going to be talking about you or whatever, and you can play it back, would you want to know what people are saying about you? >> mike: yes. >> clayton: everyone does. you are a parent and kids and want to remember their voices doing fun things. able to kapture it. my son said his first words and i didn't have a video camera. >> mike: great for guys because we could put fund the cuff of your shirt. >> ainsley: bracelets guys and gals wear to count your calories. >> ainsley: send us email what's our email address? friends@foxnews .com find us on twitter at ff weekend. you might think you know who helped take down american outlaw jesse james. the brand new book revealing the story you have never heard before. the author joining us live next. >> mike: big shakeup for hell's kitchen the winner will not accept the prize that she won. why not? i mean, it's a great gig.
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why would she not want it now? the head chef job. not going to be able to do it. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing.
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>> i didn't believe i'm sitting with none other than jesse james. >> many the night i stayed up, my eyes open, mouth open. reading about your escapades. >> they are all lies, you know. >> mike: now a new book shot all the hell details of it infamous bank raid in history and the story of the every day people who rose up to lead the two week manhunt for jesse james. well, joining us it's author mark lee gardner. thanks for being with us. >> thanks, mike. >> mike: you have got it. now, why is jesse james still popular today? i mean the guy was a murderer. >> >> yeah, it is pretty amazing to think about it he was a murderer, he was an outlaw, but he was one of those outlaws that became a folk hero, was said to rob the rich to give to the poor which he didn't he had at will support from the federal con fed der rats. the southerners liked the idea that jesse was robbing
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rich bankers and express companies. >> people saying he is so good at what he did. he made a big mistake one day in september up in minnesota thearlt. the people fought back. they were going to let the james walk all over him. once they found out the bank was being robbed. they went for their guns. >> mike: that is northfield. minnesota. what happened that day when they tried to rob the bank? >> they went into town and they thought this was going to be easy pickings. a small community only about 2,000 people. almost immediately when they went into the bank, the people were suspicious the way they depressed looked different. well-bred horses. the alarm was raised right away. people went from their guns ant when they went for those guns they shot to kill. >> they sure did what is is the fascination for us still to this day? >> in minnesota this was
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the most notorious outlaw gang in american history. the fascination is every day citizens, towns people rose up and defeated this hardened gang of ruthless fighters and killers. >> mike: how did they become so known in the country? we didn't have the internet and all of that his fame was quite strong all across america this was in the 1870s. >> couple reasons for that he was so successful at robbing banks and trains, but, also, he was pretty incredible self-promoter. jesse liked to see his name in the paper. he wrote letters to the papers often denying his involvement and expressing how he felt that they were being persecuted for their past in the civil war. so, he helped create that legend as did a very well nobody newspaper editor who supported the james brothers. a man named john newman edwards. >> mike: i thought i knew everything about jesse james because i grew up in kansas city. after reading the book shot
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all to hell. great book. >> thanks for having me appreciate it. >> mike: shocking claim just in time for students to return to will school. one author says there is a war on boys in this country. especially in our classrooms. that shore going to explain. and he has been picked as the new batman but the choice of ben affleck stirring up major controversy. i can't believe some people are upset about. this thousands call on president obama to take action. is this really what americans need to be outraged about? ben as batman? we report. you decide. how do you do a summer clearance event the dodge way?
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>> clayton: over a potential gender gap in our education. >> mike: new research shows preschool boys are nearly five times more likely to be expelled than the girls. >> clayton: in the grades k through 12 boys account for nearly 70% of all suspensions. mike hike are zero tolerance policies to blame or something else going here. chris feign that hough summers is an aeii scholar and author of "the war against boys." welcome to the program. >> thank you. >> mike: we wanted to have you on o. we have done some stories. a 7-year-old boy who held up a pistol trying to shoot the bad guys. the kid named josh chewing on pop tart and ended up looking like a little gun used it to point at the other kids. >> clayton: he got thrown
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out of school as well. are school environment. is this boys being boys and these zero toll remember rans policies making it difficult for young boys? >> they are making it very difficult. it's almost as if schools have put you're not welcome sign on the doors as little boys enter. a lot of this wouldn't matter if boys were doing better in school. but we have vast numbers of little boys who are disengaged from school. who are getting poor grades. who are not winning the honors and who run likely to go to college. go ahead. >> mike: i was just thinking of this other kid we did a story on a couple weeks ago. he pretended to throw a hand grenade. he was trying to save the world. he was suspended. there he is right there. so, and we even hear stuff like we don't play tug of war anymore. it's tug of peace? is that true? >> yes. yes. this is a trend in schools. making the classroom more
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feeling-sedentary. risk averse and competition free. these classrooms are moving further and further away from the needs of little boys. what i'm urging in my book the war against boys we have to meet them half way. boys have to be civilized and they have to be educated and there are ways to do. this i think that we are doing a much better job with girls than we are with boys. >> clayton: they are trying to raise emotionally adjusted child young boy is very important. we tell them don't cry and don't do. this then they go off and act out in other ways. how can we provide a great environment for our young boys? >> boys do enjoy on average books that are different from those that girls like and so teachers should know this. and the trend in many of our schools of education is to treat ability as though boys and girls are the same. they are not. they are different. and they have different ways to motivate them. >> clayton: people need to read your book "the war
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against boys." great "time" magazine piece. check out the book. christina we appreciate you joining us this morning.s >> mike: more "fox & friends" in about two. wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-906-8500 now. [ dennis ] zach really loves s new camera. problem is...this isn't zach. it's a friend of a friend who was at zach's party and stole his camera. but zach's got it covered... with allstate renters insurance. [ female announcer ] protect your valuables for as low as $4 a month when you add renters insurance to your allstate auto policy. call 866-906-8500 now. what are you doing? we're switching car insurance. why? because these guys are the cheapest. why? good question. because a cut-rate price could mean cut-rate protection. you should listen to this guy. [ female announcer ] with allstate you get great protection and a great price, plus an agent!
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call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives,risks, . read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. >> ainsley: good morning to you. today is saturday, august the 24th. the end of august already. i'm ainsley earhardt filling in for alisyn this morning. we start with a fox news alert. one teenager is in custody while a second is still on the run today. both suspects in the brutal killing of the world war ii veteran. we are going to speak to a close friend of delbert beltons in just a few minutes so stick around for that. >> ainsley i'm tucker -- i'm mike in for tucker this morning. new lesson being taught by the department of defense. >> clayton: dagen 00 water turns out to be anything but relaxing. [bleep] [bleep]
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[ laughter ] >> ainsley: gosh. >> clayton: that's like a dream come true and a marlin just hops right on your boat. you don't even need to fish. earnest hemming way would be proud. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ >> hereee, here ye, this is the town cryer, you are watching "fox & friends." >> ainsley: i loved our town cryer. that's when the baby was born. >> mike: fake town cryer. >> ainsley: original one here on "fox & friends." they had the fake. >> what do we have coming up on the show? we have some fun coming up on the show don't we this morning? >> mike: yes we do as a matter of fact. >> clayton: mike jerrick is here everyone. here from philadelphia this morning. >> mike: good to be here. >> clayton: tucker is off and alisyn is off ainsley is in ha for her. good to have you. >> ainsley: thanks.
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whereships are now on the move to syria. [chanting] this comes as scores of syrians are protesting the government's apparent use of those chemical weapons. the warships could be used for a cruise miflt strike but president obama's down playing intervention without a mandate from the u.n. and mystery solved. we now know where ambassador samantha power was when there was that emergency u.n. meeting about syria. she was on a personal trip to ireland. power missing that meeting just 19 days after she assumed the post with the u.n. also new overnight, the terrorist convicted of plotting to bomb a portland christmas tree lighting ceremony is now apologizing. in a letter from jail, mohammed mohammed also said that he has renounced his extremist beliefs. mohammed is scheduled to be sentenced for that 2010 plot back in september of that year. he was arrested after pressing a button on a cell phone that he thought would
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detonate a bomb near thousands of people. thankfully it was actually a fake that was supplied by undercover fbi agents posing as al qaeda recruiters. he faces life in prison. new questions this morning about the status of the obama administration's investigation into the benghazi terror attack. fox news learning that a large portion of the special operations team there to hunt down the suspects has now left. this comes just two weeks after the administration announced charges against several suspects. special operators say that they are frustrated that the suspects are being allowed to get away with murder. the justice department declined to comment. four military police officers helped save the life of a runner washington, d.c. the members of the army's old guard were on a run themselves when they heard the man getting hit by a bus. >> pretty much everyone just took off on a dead sprint toward the individual because we wanted to get the assistance as fast as possible.
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>> ainsley: two of the soldiers had battlefield medic assistance. dragged the runner from the street. fashioned a tourniquet from a t-shirt that stabilized the man until medics. he did survive. the runner was actually at fault. the bus had a green light. watch out for those buses. those are your headlines. >> mike: right over to rrr for the weather. >> clayton: state of emergency for san francisco massive wildfire there burning out of control. look at this, 1 auto miles from the flames right now the city. the city's utilities in danger. they have miles of power lines laying in the path of the fire. week long blaze has grown 200 square miles. the fire threatening 4500 homes. four have been destroyed. only 2% contained. so, will the weather help? let's ask rick this morning because we saw a lot of wind yesterday too as the dust storms were picking up in parts of that region as well. >> rick: the biggest problem to be honest with you about these fires is we are in a long-term drought. years long drought.
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conditions are so dry anything that does start fire goes up in flames very quickly. this fire is burning right close to the reservoir that provides most of the water to san francisco, around 85% of the water comes from the heaveny reservoir right there. but can you see all of the fires burning across the west. 13 active large fires going on. same with idaho. those are the two states that have the highest amount of fires. yosemite though, this fire is the big concerning one. it's called the rim fire. temperatures below average the next couple of days. but wind will continue to see and there is some moisture coming into the area. there is a tropical named ivo down across california. that moisture is going to pull its way into southern california and arizona. so moisture could make its way in towards yosemite area but not looking that likely unfortunately from the skies. these fires are just no big help from any significant rain coming. and that's the big concern for them. fight these fires and get
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them out without big help from any rain. >> ainsley: it shows how massive they are. yesterday 1% contained. >> rick: that 5% number they haven't put out newest numbers this morning. we've i couldn't tell date that as soon as we have it. >> ainsley: thank you rick. >> rick: you bet. >> clayton: tens of thousands gather in the nation's capitol to mark the autoth anniversary on the march on washington on martin luther king's iconic i have a dream speech. joining us from live from the lincoln memorial. >> good morning it was almost 50 years to the day where we saw 250,000 people from across the nation descend here on the mall to peacefully express their views. discontent on unemployment and also racial inequality. today and throughout the weekend we can expect thousands of people again from all across the nation. they will be holding forums and rallies as well as marches to celebrate the milestone weekend. so many of the planned
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events are centered around the very famous martin luther king jr. speech. as we all know he was the last of 10 speakers to take the podium august 28th, 1963. final four minutes where he went off script that we all remember so well. many say that movement spudder the passage of landmark civil rights acts of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. now, our own kelly wright sat down with reverend jesse jackson who remembers that speech. listen. >> it was not one dream. the dream unfolded but the day he gave that speech, and the racial an arcky, there was not a black elected official or juror across the whole south. texas up to maryland, we couldn't use a sink or public toilet. my high school class could not take pictures on the lawn of the state capitol of south carolina. black soldiers had to sit behind prisoners of war military basis. a way then from the american promise. >> and you could harper
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more of that interview. kelly wright is hosting a special beyond the dream 5:00 p.m. tonight. stay tuned with us. speeches are beginning an hour from now. hearing from nancy pelosi, reverend al sharpton. stay tuned. we will keep you updated all day. >> elizabeth prann live for us there at the lincoln memorial. one suspect in custody. the manhunt continues this morning as police search to find the second teen alleged to have brutally beaten and killed a world war ii veteran delbert benton. here he is. just so sad. linda herd is the manager the from fraternal order of eagles that's the building where delbert burton is a member. he went there to play pool. linda, thank you for coming on the show this morning you are the manager there. how are you doing this morning. >> doing pretty well, thank you. >> clayton: describe to us outside of the building. it seems people have been showing up to provide some heart felt remembrances for
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delbert outside the building has a makeshift memorial emerged? >> yes, it has. many flowers. >> clayton: describe for us, for those folks who don't know him and the news reports i have been reading about and what a kind man. describe delbert to our viewers this morning. >> yes. he was a very kind man. very gentle. he loved life. he loved his family, his friends. he enjoyed coming to the eagles playing pool with his friends. he loved dancing. his passion was restoring working and restoring old cars. he was just a very super, super nice gentleman, trying to enjoy his senior years. >> clayton: we also understand his wife had passed away just a few years ago so he was a widower in that community there at the eagles was very
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teenagers alleged to have done this to delbert. they are still looking for this other individuality hour. describe for us that evening what happened, the security camera footage capturing them on camera today on wednesday evening. at the eagles did folks hear what was going on outside? did they rush to come to him? how did that evening unfold? the video was not at the east it was at an adjoining business that they had been seen at. there actually was not noise. he was in an adjoining parking lot that we share with another business that is there.
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there was not a lot of commotion, no. what did you hear from police. >> we personally have not been in touch personally with the policed eagles themselves have not been. lay clay that's sad. is there anything that we can do this morning? we know you have held a vigil. makeshift memorial popping up. has any sort of a fund for this man. >> there is a fund for the family that everyone can donate through the main branch in spokane of the wells fargo bank. >> clayton: we will put that up on our web site at and we'll here at "fox & friends" make sure we get that message out to our viewers. >> no linda, the fraternal manager of the eagles where delbert attended. thanks, linda. >> thank you. >> clayton: so hard us a can imagine.
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>> ainsley: coming up fort hood shooter nidal hasan will that bring total justin to his victims. next guest says his sentencing is only the beginning. >> mike: then, police track down a woman's killer with her help. the key clue she left behind that led police officers straight to her murderer. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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death penalty, that verdict won't be enough for the shooting victims, of course who blame the administration's policy of political correctness for what happened. here to explain is the lawyer for those victims neil usher. thank you, neil for being with us. what did you think about the verdict yesterday? what were the feelings that washed over you when you heard? >> it was really no surprise at all. he had admitted in his opening statement that he was the shooter and then, of course, we had days and days of graphic and gruesome testimony by those who he shot. that was really no surprise. it comes as a bit of a relief for all the victims, many of whom i represent, but really what has to happen now and what the victims feel strongly about the due process in spades i might add that the victims feel it's time for them to get their due process.
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several days after this massacre occurred. the commander and chief, the president himself, flu flu -- flew down to the fort. visited the victims this their hospital beds. had photo opportunities with them met with the families of those who were killed and he told them directly don't worry, we will take care of you and we will do it quickly. >> mike: now it's time to step up to the plate them. take care of them. >> that's right. the bureaucracy since then has done nothing. in fact, not only have they given them the back of the hand, they have perpetrated this insensitive, disenjunous farce of an argument that this was work place violence. anybody with any sense, anybody who knows anything about hasan who knows about how this came down knows this was an act of domestic violence taking place on a
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u.s. military facility. >> mike: hasan himself called himself a jihadist for goodness sake. >> of course he did so at the trial. he has leaked out documents, including some to fox in which it makes clear what his motives were. he was serving in an enemy army. he was ashamed of wearing our uniform. and, by the way. this was known, his attitude. his jihadist leangs leanings were known years before the tragedy. the army did absolutely nothing. in fact, they promoted him to the point where he arrived at fort hood. >> mike: yeah. >> that's what our lawsuit is all about. this was terrible on the part of the army and the fbi because it diagnose d. nothing at all to prevent. this. >> mike: neil, keep us updated on this because this story is certainly not over. we will keep following it on fox.
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thank you so much. >> okay. >> in just one week two senseless murders australian athlete killed just for fun? and a veteran beaten to death by teenagers. so, is this a sign of a declining culture among our youth? colonel allen west here next with his thoughts. plus, a day on the water turns out to be anything but relaxing. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> mike: hey, hop. in what happened after this blue marlin hopped right into the boat. what makes your family smile?
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>> don't worry your news in numerical form. first, $1,000 a day. that's how much the irs wants to penalize american legion post if they fail to maintain service members for its members. it's believed lois lerner was in charge of the unit that targeted conservatives. she behind this policy. minimum bid in online auction for sherlock holmes to solve your murder. although anthony horowitz will donate the money to. >> anna: tie bullying charity. that's the american sherlock holmes show. taylor swift setting a new record row for headlining and selling out shows in los angeles. previous record brittany spears with 10 shows. 11 shows in a row? i don't think the eagles would pull that off. taylor swift. she is on fire. >> she is. two senseless ax of crime. one a young athlete shot
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dead. just for fun. and most recently, a world war ii veteran brutally beaten to death for no reason as well. >> mike: that's right. just two of many senseless acts of violence we have seen in recent months. what is happening to the culture of our youth in america? >> well, joining us now to answer all these questions for us our fox news contributor and directors of next generation tv lt. colonel allen west. good morning to you good morning ainsley and mike. how are you doing? >> ainsley: we are doing great. what's culture arising. i am really concerned about what i see in the black community. my father was a world war ii veteran. i find this absolutely disgusting what happened to mr. benton. you also look at what happened in oklahoma. you think about the three black teenagers beat the turned them in for selling
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drug. also, look at the case, this trial in marietta with the black teenager who shot the 13-month-old baby in the face. we know what's happening in chicago. leading right back to what really is a disease. a breakdown of the family. when you have 72% of black children born out of wedlock. this is what the end result is. the failing education systems in the inner city. you know, we have people that fight against school choice. and it's very disturbing and i think that on this 50th anniversary of dr. king's i have a dream speech, i want to see how many people are talking about and addressing these issues or is this just going to be empty platitudes and soaring rhetoric today in washington, d.c.? >> mike: you know, colonel, thinking back when i was 15, 16, somewhere in there, i was -- i'm not afraid of my mom and dad, but i didn't want to disappoint them and i had things to do. seems like i was busy all the time. some of these kids, the kids in oklahoma, we are bored.
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thought we would just beat up somebody, kill them. >> well, you bring up two great points. one thing that my parents and i was afraid of them. they said don't ever do something that you don't want to see on the front page of the newspaper. and then also they said you will be known by the company that you keep. so, this really is about parental involvement. when you think about those three young men in oklahoma, one of the things that reports are saying is that he they were basically raising themselves. they were looking at violent video games there was no parental involvement. when i was 15, 16, 17, i was quite active in sports, my education, and also i had a part-time job. and when you look at the unemployment statistics among black teenagers right now. it's close to 40% we have some great system mick problems. we need to have leadership addressing. >> colonel west a lot of people recently i heard we
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need more faith and church. we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of dr. martin luther king jr. i have a dream speech in washington. what we say he? was a reverend. what would he say now if he were still alive? >> well, that's very personal to me because i was born and raised in the same neighborhood as dr. king. my elementary school was right across the street from ebenezer baptist church. i can tell you if you went from boulevard and avenue cross section all the way down the boulevard where my church, fourth street united methodist church was on sunday mornings, you saw kids going to church. participating in sunday school. we had youth basketball programs. we had youth baseball programs. you know, we had things that were positive in nature to offer to children so that we did not get involved in the negative. i think that faith is a very important part of this and the church is very important. dr. king would be absolutely appalled at what he sees happening in the inner city neighborhood that i grew up in. that he grew up in. and all across the united
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states of america. that this is not the fulfillment of his dream. i hope someone addresses that today. >> mike: you know what kind of worries me, considerable, is how do you fix it? first and foremost you have to admit there is a problem. if you continue to have leaders in the black community of cherry picking political gravitas and relevance. you will never get to the bottom line of what is occurring. so we have to admit there is a problem. we have to too something turning and horrible education. i'm going to call him out. president obama, one of the first things did he was cancel the school voucher program in washington, d.c. that's horrible. and i can understand why did he that. education, got to get business development. get people active in school and church programs colonel
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west, if anything, the civil investor lining in all of this we are having these conversations now than me individuals aren't going to die in vain. >> up next on the rundown, our founding fathers were extremists? the new lesson being taught by the department of defense. >> and he has been picked as the new batman. >> oh. no. >> ainsley: yes, he has. i happen to think this is a great choice. what do you think in the choice of ben affleck stirring up major controversy. thousands calling on president obama to take action now. the president to take action. what americans need to be outraged about is it this? we report. you decide. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day?
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[bleep], [bleep], [bleep] all right, your shot of the morning. your catch of the lifetime. fisherman aboard the marlin darling. name of the boat. lucky to be alive after 350-pound marlin jumped into the boat. happened off othe coast of the dominican republic. the florida based crew says they usually release anything they catch. this one dived in the boat. they gave it to some very grateful local fishermen.
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>> mike: who needs bait? >> ainsley: -- >> clayton: did you catch anything? you guys were out there for 12 hours. we didn't catch anything. the fish just jumped in the boat. >> ainsley: they are loving it because they got the fish and the fame. >> mike: was that fish suicide? >> clayton: sick what's going on in the ocean. all this pollution. i'm jumping in that boat. [ laughter ] >> ainsley: all right. let's tell you some headlines this morning. 8-year-old boy accused of shooting caregiver dead i believe is the way it should read. and police are blaming a video game for the horrific crime. this happened in slaughter louisiana, louisiana. is that the name authorities say the boy was playing grand theft auto 4 just minutes before that shooting. the game awards points to the players for killing people. the woman died after at least one gunshot wound to the head.
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department of defense training material call conservatives and founding fathers extremists. this guide obtained by judicial watch advises students rather than dressing up in sheets, modern day radicals will talk about states' rights and how to make the world a better place it was authored by the defense equal opportunity management institute. a dog funded diversity training center. besides a brief reference to 9/11 and another to the sudanese civil war the guide makes no mention of islamic extremism but it does say. this quote: in u.s. history there are many examples of extremist ideology. and movements. the colonists who sought to free themselves from british rule and the confederate states who sought to succeed from the northern states are just two examples. do you think those are -- scribbled note turns out to be a key piece of evidence in the 1998 killing of a
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prison guard in california. prosecutors say elizabeth wrote a license plate number of a car that followed her into a freeway ramp before she was shot more than 15 years ago. authorities say that the note led them to a gang member who claims that her husband arranged that killing. prosecutors say wanted to collect a 1-million-dollar insurance policy. he took out shortly after they were married. a florida man is recovering after falling overboard from fishing boat. and then treading water for 18 hours. wife says she never gave up hope. >> i was hoping for the best. praying for a miracle and it's happened. >> fisherman'sor keel happened on wednesday in rough weather when he fell overboard trying to grab his life vest. it took three rescue attempts to finally pull him out of the gulf of mexico.
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>> mike: i could not tread water more than about a minute. >> clayton: really? even warmer ocean swatter nice more buoyant. lie there and throat there for a while. that's probably why that fish jumped into the boat because he was taking up space. >> mike: from the guy falling out of the boat it all comes together. >> clayton: check in with rick reichmuth right now. >> rick: so you know what? there is a tropical storm out across parts of mexico right now. tropical storm ivo and it is moving in toward the general direction of the southwest. those are the sea surface temperatures there you see to the west of kabo where the storm is right now. water temperatures in the 80's. as it moves farther toward the north it will move into cooler water so it won't be able to maintain tropical status. a lot of moisture in across areas of the southwest. we could be talking about some flooding into southern california and in across the california river valley between california. in nevada utah arizona.
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a lot of the areas there potentially seeing over two inches of rain. that's great news for some of those fires. what you don't see is that rain over towards the yosemite area where the big fire is burning there if we can get some increase in moisture in the atmosphere that will be good and that is a possibility over the next couple days. here you go today. across the northeast, we have a really nice one again. another spectacular weekend. i will tell you this summer has been ladened with absolutely beautiful weekends. down to the southeast not so much. mostly just rain across areas of the southeast. especially the carolinas and georgia. it will improve later today and tomorrow and into monday. sun across areas of texas well. all right, guys. send it back to you inside. >> here is the story that has everyone talking this morning. the internet blew up took to the white house to complain about it. ben affleck the new batman. the sequel to the man of steel movie. batman and superman combined in a movie announced that ben affleck.
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christian bale was a british guy. people flipped out and making all sorts of bat damon all sorts of things popped up yesterday. i immediately responded what? this must be a joke. the more i thought about it throughout the day i kind of came around on it. >> two sites now say they are aimed at -- complaining about him being the new batman out of all the news going on in the world. >> mike: they want him replaced. >> ainsley: the white house has since taken this down. rush limbaugh made some comments about this yesterday. take a listen. >> i'm not getting it this is a petition at asking obama to remove ben affleck. that's what's on the minds of the measure people today. i told you. you know. as everybody is looking for some earth shattering political event that is going to wake the american people up. and it could well be if obama comes out and supports ben affleck in
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this role it could be his undoing. not destroying everybody's economy. not destroying paychecks, not destroying home values, no, no. none of that matters. if obama comes out and defends affleck, he could be in deep do do. >> mike: deep do do. i don't understand what the outrage is about. now, clayton, you are into these super hero moses and all of that. what do you think of the choice? like i said i was scared at first jennifer lopez. terrible movies, right? he could the dark broading bruce wayne character that we need, right? that gotham deserves. but someone said to me this morning and i thought it was interesting that they are not going to be able to get past his lower jaw because he has such an identifiable lower jaw. that's ben affleck in that mask. >> that's what's always funny. they look just like themselves when they put on their gear and then no one recognizes them in the
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movie? >> michael, what do you think? you are the movie guy. >> in the fox light here what do you think about this? >> i think everyone needs to go back to the seats and settle down. really? first of all it's ben affleck a long way from some in dare devil. i mean, gone baby gone, gone girl gone. the town. argo. he is he a smart guy. very selective in the roles that he picks at this point. >> dare devil super hero film. it was terrible. all right. >> very selective at this point. so i think he saw the script and saw something in it that he liked and go with it if i was christopher folland i would stick it to everyone matt damon as robin what the hell? >> closed circuit. we were talking about. this a thriller. >> new movie opens up august 28th. international suspense thriller focuses on around high profile terrorist case in london. and it's interesting look at the british legal system
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so steeped in tradition and controversy. and stars eric and rebekah hall as two of the defense bare hissters in the case the issues of surveillance, privacy vs. security and predom all very much in the news right now. center stage in this movie. >> ainsley: they are defending a terrorist, correct? >> yes. >> they used to be in love. >> communicate and they lie that they ever met before. >> mike: you have to think during it? >> minimal. >> mike: too many cameras and screens. >> ainsley: there is a little love story here? >> yeah. when we sat down with them recently we talked about the issues of the day. this is what they had to say. >> fair or not. >> the whole notion of privacy and government intervention and how much we're being watched or monitored and how that information is used is very much central to our story. >> i hope they will think to ask questions and not accept this as always okay.
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>> catch all the full interviews at in the fox and follow me on twitter at fox light michael and tweet me questions for later today. ainsley, i am sitting down with one direction. [ laughter ] >> are they a band? >> i here they are. >> >> that michael. >> coming up, a plan to subsidize pot for poor people? is that a good idea? or will it go up in smoke? >> clayton: insink causing a lot of heartache. is the band coming out of retirement? >> clayton: we're going to ask one direction. >> clayton: one of the fathers is putting an end to all of the questions this morning. >> mike: please let them get back together. [i feel the pain ♪ with or without you. i'm beth...
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cannonbox! [splash!] hard to reach news situations, the government says it needs approval to fly the drones. ladies. seat your heart out and you too, mike. the rumors of an nsync reunion finally being put to dead. joey's dad confirming to radar online it is definitely a go for a special performance at vmas tomorrow night. mike, get excited. >> mike: tomorrow night? all right. our nation's capitol has plans to fire up a fast medical marijuana process for the poor. putting pot in the hands of dc's low income residents by dedicating 2% of medical
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marijuana dispensaries profits to subsidize their purchases. an arrangement that would give poor patients a 2 o0% discount is that a good idea or should the plan go up in smoke? see what i did there? bishop ron allen is the head of the international faith based collision and also coalition and recovering drug addict himself. he joins us to weigh this on this. bishop, thanks for being on the show. >> good morning, mike. >> mike: i have a tough time with this. there are people out there who say that this medical marijuana really does help them. >> well, you you know, the fda has determined which we know medicine after 50 years of scientific study and review have determined that marijuana has no medicinal use and very harmful and addictive. listen, research estimates that there is 2,000,422
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marijuana card holders. that's 2 million in the united states. only 2%, mike, are legitimately, seriously ill or terminal. you know, that's 98% that are drug abusers. drug abusers. that's 2,000,372 that do not need this medicine. it is legalization. it is back door legalization at best. dc is enabling the poor to stay poor. this is a bad idea. make mike there are some people using it. why should people that have a little bit of money disposable income why should they get it and poor people not? well why do we want to continue have the poor be poor. we have studies that show that one out of six individuals become addictive. the poor need that money to have better schools and better education.
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not to be surprised by the d.c. government. this is a ridiculous idea. >> how do you think we got to this place that we are now using marijuana? you know, i would truly love to call on our great president of the united states to fix this mess by simply going through the proper channels marijuana be dispensed through the pharmacies like oxycontin, like vicodin. this is absolutely ridiculous. we have got in this mess because the marijuana policy project wants the united states and whole world to be high and do whatever they can do to legalize marijuana. we're in a bad fix, sir. >> mike: thank you for joining us a little bit this morning. okay? >> thanks for having me. make mike major nidal hasan found guilty as you know and now awaits his fate. should he get the death penalty? we will ask one of the heros in that fort hood shooting. and, coming up in just a
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>> clayton: i love this story from the battle field to the brewery. these iraq war veterans have started a business that will not only feature patriotic beers but helping heros by giving 1% of profits to military related charities. joining us are thomas wilden and co-founders of the young veterans brewing company. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> clayton: just tweeted out about this. a lot of our viewers are excited this morning you guys serve in iraq and you come back and decide we love beer. we're going to create our own company. how did you get this idea to start this. >> well, we were in our
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kitchen. we live together a few years ago and a friend brought over a home brewing kit that he had received as a gift. hadn't used. we all brewed it together and it actually turned out way better than we expected. we didn't know you could get that kind of quality at home. and, you know, we have just gone on from there, raising up our complexity until now we are opening our own brewery. >> clayton: in this is incredible. open officially september 7th; is that right? >> yes that is correct. >> clayton: what goes into getting all of this ready ahead of time? >> well, we had to order equipment. pick the equipment that we wanted and for us it was between u.s. company and a japanese company and we ended up going with a company where they make the equipment in america. we also had to go through several months of contractor headaches and then once we got up and brewing, we had to deal with a lot of issues just mechanical and some operator error here and
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there. but there has been a lot of headache but, you know, we are almost there. >> clayton: a the love tasting along the way to refine the process i hope? >> absolutely. the last six years we have spent perfecting our recipe. >> clayton: there has been resurgence or, i don't know, explosion crafted brewery. beer drinking on decline and craft brewery is on the rise. what accounts for that? >> people choosing quality over quantity. when you look at overall beer market. it's very large. although you have seen a reduction because of the economic downturn big increase you see in craft beer industry is growing a lot. shrinking just a little. so craft beer is still on the way up. >> i love some of the name of your beers, pineapple. jet noise double ipa. i am just throwing this out
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there, guys. you need any person to test a case of your ipa. i'm happy to do it. young veterans brewing company. open on september 7th. make sure we tweet out about it guys, thanks soters much. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. ...and a great deal. . thanks to dad. nope eeeeh... oh, guys let's leave the deals to nice bear. ooh that one! nice. got it! oh my gosh this is so cool... awesome!
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good morning to, today is saturday. a manhunt underway in the search for second suspect in the murder of the veteran. breaking details on the investigation in just moments. >> mike: i'm mike in for tucker. brand new evidence. the affordable care act is not so why is the president saying stuff like this? >> we're starting to get healthcare costs under control. the only crisis we have is one that's manufactured in washington and it's ideological. >> mike: manufactured? governor mike huckabee is here to bring you the numbers. so you can decide for
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yourself. >> clayton: i'm clayton in for clayton this morning. horrifying moment the school bus loses brakes and goes speeding into oncoming traffic. watch. [screams] >> clayton: wait until you hear how that story ends. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. there is your buddy and you are watching "fox & friends." >> oh, tickle. gorption to you. welcome back. school bus. do you buckle up now on school buses? >> phil, some buses still don't have seat belts. >> ainsley: we didn't when we were growing up. >> clayton: welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. hope you are eni didn'ting your weekend with us. much more coming up in the show. including tell you about a device that will let you capture every piece of audio around you for the entire day. kick starter campaign right now going to kick off. would you buy this thing so you can prove in a fight with your why huh-uh you said that four hours ago.
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>> mike: yes, i would buy it. >> ainsley: governor mike huckabee is going to be here to give his perspective on obama care, the not so affordable care act and also talk about eemasculating boys in school. look forward to that first start you off with headlines. we begin with a fox news alert. manhunt still underway for the second suspect in the brutal heard of a world war ii veteran in washington state. authorities say two african-american teenagers savagely attacked 88-year-old delbert belton. he later died at the hospital. one of the teenagers has been charged with first degree murder and robbery. meanwhile, thousands attending a vigil in spokane to remember and pay tribute to one of our nation's bravest heros. his friend, linda herde spoke to us on "fox & friends" this morning. >> he was a very kind man. very gentle. he loved life he loved his family, his friends, he enjoyed coming to the eagles, playing pool with his friends. he loved dancing. his passion was restoring
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working and restoring old darr's. he was just a very super, super nice gentleman. >> the eagles was that pool hall and he tied in the parking lot there police say both suspects have ties to area gangs. just moments ago, fox news learning that president obama's meeting with his national security team this morning on the crisis in syria. u.s. warships are on the move towards syria. they could be used for a crisis missile strike. a cruise missile strike i should say. president obama has down played intervention without a u.n. mandate. and this comes as scores of syrians as you can see protesting there the government's aa winter pause of yield it will weapons on its own people of the mystery is solved. we now know where ambassador samantha power was when there was that emergency u.n. meeting about syria. she was on a personal trip to ireland. power assumed that post just 19 days ago. and new questions this morning about the status of the obama administration's investigation into the
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benghazi terror attack. fox news learning that a large portion of the special operations team there to hunt down the suspects they have all left now. this comes just two weeks after the administration announcing charges against several suspects. special operators say that they're frustrated that the suspects are being awill youd to get away with murder. the justice department declined to comment on this. and a terrifying bus ride home for these florida students. [screaming] >> ainsley: cell phone video there capturing the scary scene. the driver said she had no choice. she had to turn into oncoming traffic when the steering wheel and the brakes, both of them locked at the same time. watching the videos back now it's very scary, i didn't understand what was going on at the time but now that i understand everything that happened, it's not good that is the student and not the driver. luckily nobody was injured.
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those are your headlines. >> mike: let's get to extreme weather alert. a safety emergency klee declared for the san francisco as a massive wildfire burns out of control in california. city 150 miles from the flames. the city's utilities are in danger. miles of power lines lay in the path of this fire. >> clayton: this thing is week long. blaze grown to 200 square miles. the fire threatens 4500 homes. four have been destroyed and about 2% contained right now. >> mike: rick reichmuth is tracking all of the weather out there and how it will hamper firefighters ability to stop thing. hey, rick. >> they declared the state of emergency so that they can release funds and free up funds to buy energy on the open market. that's the scenario they are dealing with take a look at the maps. latest information coming in and the fire has really grown a lot. in fact, yesterday, it was at about 60,000 acres. it is now at 125,000 acres. so we're talking about a 60,000-acre increase just in a day and it's about a
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hers containment. the fire obviously continues to burn very quickly. temps not that bad. weather conditions not that bad. it's just that it is so dry. yosemite to san francisco it's about 150 miles in a direct line there. but the yosemite canyon is right next to this other canyon where the river runs through. and that goes into this reservoir. that is about where 20% of the electric power for san francisco comes from and about 80% of san francisco water comes from that reservoir. big controversy when they built that reservoir in the 20's beautiful canyon just like yosemite that is what filled up with water. tropical storm ivo. pulling in toward the southwest. i don't think that moisture is going to make its way toward that fire but bring answer crease in general moisture to the area and that will help matters just a little bit over the next few days. guys? >> ainsley: thank you so much, rick. >> mike: i know you two are
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way too young to remember. this i was a kid laying on the floor in wichita, kansas watching this play out 50 years ago. >> clayton: i have a dream speech. tens of thousands gathering there today to mark the 50th anniversary of a martin luther jr.'s iconic speech. elizabeth prann on the memorial. knives to see you. >> nice to see you. absolutely gorgeous weekend for the event. just about an hour from now we will start to see some of the more prominent speakers taking the podium behind us. at noon folks from march from the lincoln memorial to the washington monument. thousands of folks here this weekend. many of them were are the path the quarter of a million people that descended upon the mall from all across the nation, almost 50 years ago, packed on buses and airplanes and trains. to peacefully express their views on unemployment and racial quality. protesters tens of thousands today and through the weekend. forums and rallies and
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marches to celebrated the mile spoken weekend. waiting on the president to speak wednesday at the podium behind me. many centered around the famous martin luther king jr. speech. he was the last of 10 speakers to speak 50 years ago. those final four minutes where he really went off script that all of us remember so well. many say the movement sparked the passage of the civil rights act of 1964 as well as the voting rights ability of 19656789 our own kelly wright sat down with martin luther king's daughter bernice and here is what she said about the event. >> one of the things that my father was really trying to say to us not just 50 years ago. 47, all the way, 45 when he was asan sin nateed. he was really speaking to us about humanity. not judging by the color of
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the skin but by the content of the character. >> you can hear more thampt view kelly wright hosting "beyond the dream" here tonight. we heard from allen west earlier on "fox & friends" and he spoke how the weekend is a very strong representation of folks' faith. take a listen. >> we have things that were positive in nature to offer to children so would did not get involved in the negative. faith is a very important part of this church very important. dr. king would be absolutely appalled what he sees happening in the inner city neighborhood i grew up in and he grew up in across the united states of america. this is not the fulfillment of his dream. i hope someone addresses that today. >> stay tuned. we will be here all day as i said prominent speakers at 9:00 and march begins at
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noon. >> clayton: beautiful day there bring in governor huckabee this morning. >> hello, governor. >> governor, nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> clayton: let's talk about some obama care. of the president yesterday talking about costs and saying we are beginning to seat signs now that he we are driving healthcare costs down. i believe we have some sound of the president yesterday. listen. >> >> we're starting to get healthcare costs under control. we'll still have to make some modifications when it comes to our long-term entitlement programs so that they are there for young people here when they are ready for retirement but we don't have an urgent deficit crisis. the only crisis we have is the one that's manufactured --washington and it's >> clayton: university of virginia dropping spousal support. your wife gets pregnant and work for uva. sorry we won't be able to have your coverage anymore. now we are hearing that delta may also get their healthcare costs increased by $100 million.
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costs going down according to the president? >> where he gets this, i don't know. reports came out last week. up 35% in florida. 61% in ohio. every state but new york who has reported what their projections are. they are higher. we're doing healthcare special tonight on common sense solutions. the president says no one has options yes we do and we will talk about them. one of the things we have asked for people share their stories. i just got notice my healthcare is going from 400 to $1,000 a month. there is a real crisis all right. is he owe oblivious to it because is he out there on his bus. i don't know what kind of nitrous oxide he may be inhaling but it ain't the oxygen the rest of us are breathing because this healthcare program that he has is costing people more money. and you mentioned the spousal issue. to be fair, this is for people who he who have a spouse who can get insurance at their employer. >> that's an added cost too. usually if you can bundle. >> that's exactly right.
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looking for how to defend themselves against obama care. if it were wonderful. nobody would be looking at how to get out of it they would be looking how to get in it what does the irs, congress, their staff what do these doing all of them doing the same thing trying to get out of the way of obama care. >> delta airlines those costs will be passed on to us as passengers. >> always. the idea that a cost or a tax is going to be somehow absorbed. they have to look at ways to cut the cost so that the tickets are not so much that nobody wants to fly anymore. >> let's move on to schools. there are talks that schools are eemasculating little boys. we interviewed a lady an hour ago. no longer is it tug of war it's tug of peace at our school. >> my gosh. that is absurd. if boys can't be boys then we are going to lose the whole idea of gender identity. and we are talking so much
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today about gender identity. well, let a boy be a boy and let a girl be a girl. here is the problem. people have foolishly and idiotically mistaken equality for sameness. equality of the gender means that both have equal value and worth and one is not better than the other that doesn't mean we are the same. and many of us, you know, who still believe in gender separation would say difference. there is something about that. >> i don't want my husband wearing makeup. >> i hope not. say, honey, how do you like my skirt? it matches yours. hay i borrow some of your accessories today? god help us when we lose that sense of difference. >> clayton: we are out of time, governor who is on your show tonight. >> we have a unique show we have one guest, me. >> mike: health. >> entertaining, i promise. very informative. what could we and should would he be doing about healthcare? >> mike: we will be watching tonight, governor. >> ainsley: small victory for the victims of the fort
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hood shooting. next guest who saved nine lives that day the fight is far from over. while is he demanding answers from the white house. love, warmth. here, try this. mm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive. three blocks up. i got it, i got it. yep yep. three blocks up. three blocks up. no problem, buddy.
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ready to buy a car, make sure you... never overpay. visit today. now faces the a possible death sentence. our next guest was a hero on that day credited with saving the lives of nine people. he has been awarded the army commendation medal sergeant army ray. sergeant, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> how did you feel when you heard the verdict you? knew it was coming. >> well, certainly we knew it was cummings but what was really relieving is it took four years to come to this point and, you know, when survivors are talking
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about this it meant a whole lot to us. >> mike: what should happen to him? >> i'm a firm believer that he needs to receive the death penalty. you know, he he had no regard for the lives of the men and women that he killed. both civilians and soldiers that day. of course, the unborn child there. i think that there is a definite need for that. and i think that's one way justice can be served as well let him rot in jail for years and years. >> well, my thoughts on that sits in jail. and ultimately dies. the terrorist will claim that he still died for the cause or if an execution
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sentence is carried out early on, i think it will have the same result. >> mike: you know, is he basically, in court called himself a jihadist. it just work place violence theory sounds so absurd. >> sure. and that's something especially as survivors and other victims of this have alluded to all along. there is plenty of evidence to show that this was not work place violence and it was absurd to even call it that even in the accused' own words he said indeed he was pursuing ideological attack on these people that day. >> mike: i know that you know this story is not over. we will continue to follow it and you have back on. thank you so much for being with us. well, he went right out the window when the prison guard wasn't looking. this morning, there is big update on what happened to
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this smooth criminal. then, her dog sniffed out her cancer months before her mammogram. how is that even possible? the incredible story when that woman and her dog join us next. there she is. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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jumping through a window to escape. derek estelle is back in custody. he was caught in florida. the daring escape in arkansas. took that leap and sprinted across a parking lot outside of the jail where there was a get away car. ainsley? >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, mike. talk about a woman's best friend. our next guest's dog sniffed out her cancer months before her yearly mammogram. here to tell us this incredible story susan, the author of a children's book series "wilson's wondrous tales and her life saving dog bellla. wilson inspired the book. we will talk about wilson in a minute. first of all, i want to hear about how bella detected your cancer. >> well, it was last summer. every morning she always sleeps at my feet in the morning she would come up and start poking this area
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of the breast. and it happened for about a week to two weeks. and i just kind of pushed her away. eventually pushed her away. then i had my yearly mammogram in october. and that's when they said that they found something and they did the bypass. and when they did the bypassy, it was biopsy, the first thought was bella and the first thought i think it is cancer because i had a biopsy 20 years prior and it was not. this time with the bella connection i finally said this is probably it. >> ainsley: what do doctors say of this do they hear of this often. >> they do. the oncologist says they get several people a year say the dogs sniff their cancer. >> ainsley: how is that possible. >> their sniff is 10,000 to 100,000 stronger than ours. i think what bella is doing first of all she knows my whole body and she noticed a change probably the cancer cells.
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>> ainsley: right. do they say that they do admit a toxic smell or different type of smell than a regular cell. >> we yes i believe they do. >> ainsley: that's interesting. she has saved your life. >> i believe so. i have three dogs and all three of them were there throughout the whole cancer treatment. >> ainsley: you, unlike a the will of women, we try to push have your yearly mammogram after a certain is age. and you have been very proactive about this thank goodness. >> absolutely. because if i had waited another year, it was a very aggressive cancer. it was invasive lobular carcinoma. rare cancer. another year would have made a huge difference. >> had you it last december how are you doing now. >> i'm doing well. i'm doing reconstruction and antiestrogen regimen for five years. >> ainsley: you look fabulous. >> thank you. >> ainsley: book inspired by other dog wilson what's the name of this book. >> wilson gets adopted was
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the first one and then i have one on manners and bullying. and then the book inspired by bella is wilson and bella's big apple adventure. >> ainsley: she is a beautiful dog. i love them. of my best friend have has a havanese. wish you all the best. department of homeland security employee spewing hate on the internet. now been put on leave. why was he hirdz in the first place? that's the question. and, get your motor running. we're showing off today wants modern muscle cars out on the plaza. the best part, they are all american. [ male announcer ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear!
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>> when your mother tells you to clean your room up. you clean it up. the when you come home to school you do you're homework. eat your dinner and eat your vegetables. you got a brother and sister. >> yeah. >> don't be fighting with them, all right? >> who is that. >> colorado rockies first base coach renee has a reputation for handing out season near baseballs. they come with free life lessons. every game he pick as young man, gives them a ball and
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gives them a message. hopefully this will stick. >> this was this week when they were playing the philadelphia phillies. and he does that every inning. >> that's so cute. >> when the team -- >> this is the first time they have miked him for it though. >> the reporter says can i shoot you? and they had a boom mike over him okay. can you record me this time. he does that all the time. boys and girls. gives them a little life lesson. >> boy is okay,. >> some kids don't know what to do. i have seen kids this week philly's game. one kid cried. i is in your face. great message. good to for him. >> probably wish you can keep that message must the your life. colorado rockies. new device kapture audio device be able to wear it on your wrist and basically record everything that happens around you all day. can you play it back at any
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time get in fight with your spouse a few hours ago say this. ansz ains you are like i have it recorded. >> google glasses. are you recording? what's going on now? have an audio thing that's constantly recording. you are in a public place. >> ainsley: i don't know if this is a good thing. quick starter campaign is launches on september 3rd. companies called kaptur. web site is up now would i have to ask your permission to record you? >> if you are in a public place you wouldn't. because you are out and about in a public place. you are being recorded as
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it is anyway with security cameras out in the the streets. no one is asking my permission when i walk into a taco bell. >> but can i leave the celebratelet here i walk off the set. good thing is hold you accountable. make sure you are not talking about other people. carolyn says if you are concerned about what people are saying, then you need to be re-examine your crowd or just quit being paranoid this bracelet is nuts. >> company you keep i guess. >> i for one am confident enough in my own skin that i would not want nor i do need to know what other folks think about me. that's very good, david. >> i like that it's nature to check out personal contacts. unconstitutional for a government to surveil citizens and political you can record with your
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iphone more discreetly. apple hold it out in someone like this put it four yocket be more muffled. >> sounds like anthony has more experience at. this lean mike i want you to talk to me about ainsley a little bit. tell me your thoughts about this find us on twitter ff weekend as well. >> let me tell you headlines this morning. story you have been following you. a department of homeland security employee who runs a hate filled racist web site. this morning we have learned that he has been placed on paid administrative leave. but many are outraged that he was hired to begin with they gather information on all of us innocent americans, why isn't he the one in charge of buying the am he mow. they couldn't do any surveillance on this guy to find out what the heck his vocation or advocation
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happened to be trying to kill whites? >> his web site predicts and advocates a race war warning of the inevitable clash with whites. talk about blowing a big opportunity. janel west, the latest winner of the hell's kitchen series about l. not become the head chef at caesar's palace in las vegas. you want to know why? tmz is reporting that she tested positive for cocaine. caesars requires all employees to pass drug tests but she will reportedly still receive $250,000 salary despite not working a single day. >> clayton: come with the territory in vegas? >> ainsley: that's ridiculous. family members thought 50-year-old cherlyn jackson was dead they held funeral for her. she turned up two weeks later at the hospital. it turns out of the body in the casket was not hers. it was a woman who looked very similar to her and was found dead at the time that
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jackson was missing. >> what i have heard from some of the folks that i have been talking to is that this woman looks almost exactly cherlyn jackson. >> really strange. but i'm glad she is not dead. >> philadelphia officials plan to exhume the buried body to find out who they put in that coffin. >> and caught on camera. one driver's road rage after a woman talking on the phone smashed into him. and we think that she heard him loud and clear. look at this. the man gets out of his car, storms over to her car. he opens the door. snachesz her cell phone and then slams it to the ground. and just for good measure. he slams the car door before going back to his car. it happened in australia. the video now going viral. bam. those are your headlines. >> i think i would react someone got in an accident with me because they were texting and not paying tension go in there and grab the phone i think i might get hot under the
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collar. check with rick reichmuth who is outside. >> rick: i don't disagree with you i get that frustration. somebody does that when they are texting. >> clayton: people sitting at the red light you know they haven't moved because you know they are sitting there. >> are you allowed to text. i know you can't text while you are driving. are you allowed to text at a red light? it's still driving. let's talk about the weather. take a look at the weather maps. show you a couple things going on. one, all this heat that's been out across the northwest. northern rockies. exacerbating a lot of the fires that heat is pulling in toward the central plain. moving in toward the east. get ready northern plains have not been that hot for a while. batches and spells. take a look at this. minneapolis tomorrow you are going to be 97. monday, 96, typically should be the upper 70s right now, bismarck north da coat into the 90's, omaha. big heat spell moving. in in towards the northeast today. a spectacular one. we will see tons of
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sunshine and temps are going to be looking great into the 80's and 70s a nice day. very dry. down towards the southeast, a little bit of rain especially across florida. flooding. increase in your typical summer rain across areas of florida. that heat in towards the northern plains, and then out across the west we are going to see increase in moisture out across the southwest which will help a little bit with the fires. all right. speaking of heat. what about hot cars? >> that's right. mike jerrick. manly stuff. introduce jeff bartlett. hi, jeff, good to see you again. >> good to see you. >> from "consumer reports." we are talking muscle cars. >> remember the muscle cars of the 60's and 70s? "consumer reports" says today they are better in every way muscle car is back. these cars all represent the originals from the 60's. they have more performance, more comfort more safety more everything. >> what are we looking at here? >> this here is the shelby mustang gt 500. this is the ultimate
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mustang. 662-horsepower super charged v 8 engine. that is way beyond what they had in the 60's. >> i thought with the gasoline prices so high, why are these selling? >> well, because people like to live their boyhood dreams. they like to capture a little magic. this year is is a certified time capsule. >> jeff, i have to tell you my first car was a 66 mustang. straight six engine and i rebuilt the engine. now i look inside here. i couldn't change the oil or anything in a car like this now. >> these cars are a lot more complicated. fewer people working on them themselves. performance that they deliver. >> is this candy apple red? >> this is ego stoking red. [ laughter ] stripes are there to make it clear. 0 to it 60 in 4 seconds how fast will it go.
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>> faster than you can say sorry, officer. >> expensive car less expensive version of this that you can still get the muscle car feel. >> that's the exciting feel. this is a $66,000 car. for about a third of the price, 22,000 you can get a v 6 with over 300-horsepower. >> how about the chevy. >> the chevrolet, this is one of the many fun versions. this is literally that boyhood fantasy come to life hot wheels special edition. red lines and wheels. jeff, my favorite color is purple. look at this one. what is this? >> this is a plumb crazy dodge challenger srta. this is the ultimate challenger. >> tell us about this car. you say this right here is one of the fastest, one of the most powerful cars out there? >> it is but it's not quite in the league of the
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shelby. this is a little bit more of a cruiser. but an srt 8 form. it's got great balance performance. great breaking. great handling. very exciting. and, up like the others. this was actually big enough to take the whole family. >> the dodge charger was not around for a while, right? >> the charger was not. >> and then they brought it back. >> nor was this the challenger. this has been back just a few years and was recently for 2011 when it really got sharp. >> i'm listening. you push the button and put your feet on the break it? >> is on the break. it's that quiet. a car comes to life. >> it were so, mike jerrick appears. >> i broke the car. >> he broke it is that what is going on? how's come it doesn't start. >> punch a number in. >> here you go, this car starts, these are your three muscle cars. very awesome. jeff bartlett.
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[engine revving. >> there you go starting as you see hear it send it back to you inside. [engine revving. [? >> >> mike has a chauffeur he doesn't get to drive a lot. >> ainsley: cool car. glad they're all american made too. parents desperate to get their kids to sleep now turning to mel tone anyone. but is this really safe to give your children? >> it's not really even safe for adults? then ring, ring, pope francis calling. how he is he bringing a whole new meaning to the people's pope. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world.
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find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. reinforced with scratch- resistant glass and a unibody made kevlar strong. okay google now. call my droid. the new droid ultra by motorola. when strength matters, droid does. >> clayton: welcome back.
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it is back-to-school time. parents, you are probably trying to get the kids back on regular sleep schedule. some might be reaching for mefl tone melatonin for help. is that safe? winthrop university hospital here in new york. so a lot of parents make the mistake and this is a mistake in sleeping training your kids which is to get them on a summer schedule. let them stay up an extra that two hours. you are not supposed to do that many parents do that now back to school and giving them melatonin which is something adults might take. >> that's right. this is absolutely crazy but melatonin sales have trim peld in tripled in the last five years. over the counter. classified as diet tri supplement. adults take it to deal with jet lag or maybe working shifts or getting up early in the morning like you do clayton we have talked about that before in increased use in children is extremely concerning. >> side effects from adult usage. i don't know if this translates to kids,
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headaches, drowsiness. stomach ache and overall depression some of the side effects and children. >> these are side effects well recognized with melatonin. big problem for children melatonin production naturally comes from a gland in the brain and obviously with children, the brain is developing we know melatonin can inhibit other production in the brain chemicals fsh and ll related to sexual development and reproduction and fertility. there may be big issues here in the child's hormonal imbalance if you are giving melatonin to the child. >> i had said and this is perhaps ignorance about it. a number of years ago i was taking melatonin working a morning show 8:00 at night need something. start looking at the chemicals that were in it found out there t. was some weird cow related thing and i stopped taking it tell us
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what it is first of all and it's not in there anymore. the gland initially the semments using the bovine glands from cows. now, melatonin that you buy over the counter is synthetically produced. this is a big problem because it's classified as a indicted tri supplement. it's not held to the same regulations as normal medicines are controlled by fda regulations. so there is some variation. but most of the ones that you buy over the counter are pretty much synthetically produced. >> bottom line, parents should stay away from melatonin in their kids? >> they certainly should at the end of the day you need to practice good sleep patterns for children. go to bed at the same time try to get them up at the same time. quiet the hour before they go to bed. no cell phones, no electronic devices. no ipads. and we know that blue lights from computer screens actually inhibits melatonin so turn off the electronic games at least an hour before you go to bed and avoid sugary drinks as well.
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>> clayton: dr. great stuff. healthy sleep habits healthy child. great book for training your kids. habits healthy child". >> coming up, here on the show, brand new developments in the nsa scandal. they paid millions of dollars to spy on you. the details coming up. >> did you know it is okay to flirt at work. the do's and don't's of office flirting. when buying a car, we all want to save money. at, we offer our users... guaranteed upfront savings. the result? truecar users save...
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flirting at work. if it is done right, it can get you ahead at the office. >> rachel is here. in this day and age is flirting okay? >> yes. >> the tips that i give people are just as translatable into the date iing thing. >> don't look like you are needy that is a turn off. >> confidence is always appealing. >> you have beautiful eyes by the way. studies say that if you are not
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making eye contacts that may be a problem. >> make your point what do you mean? >> being coy in a flirtatious situation can be fun and interesting. it does not fit in the space. >> dow mean that? stop it. instead of being no, this is the situation, make your point and be comfortable with it. >> look at all this right here. >> how can you not? body language says a lot. >> it does. >> what is too much? what do we need to know about it at the workplace. it is 55% of what you say. you need to own your space. you need to keep your shoulders back and have good posture. what your mom told you in sixth grade still applies. own who you are and keep your
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posture up. it will make you seem more approachable. >> ron burgundy says stay classy. this goes mostly towards women and in the workplace you can't go too flirty. respect the professional space. the lawyers on tv can get away with low cut blouses. keep it classy. very classy. but beautiful and it looks great on you. >> good to see you this morning. great tips. do you flirt in the work space? >> >> manhunt on the lose for one
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of two teens suspected of beating to death this vet. >> and this bride gets a surprise from her brother who was serving overseas. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily.
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good morning to you. today is august the 24th. i'm filling in this morning for alison. one teen-ager is in custody while a second is still on the run. both suspected of that brutal killing of that world war ii veteran. this nephew is going to join us so stay with us for that. >> i'm in for tucker. it has been a year since benghazi. why is the special ops team leaving libya for good? are we giving up?
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>> and the best wedding gift captured in this video. the bride gets the surprise of a lifetime. >> government afox and friends now. >> you are watching "fox and friends". >> you are my fair lady. right clayton? >> welcome, do you know our show starts at 6:00 am? >> it is the weekend and a lot of people setting their alarms at 9:00. if you are just waking up let me tell you the headlines this morning. at this hour, the manhunt is intensifying for the second suspect in the brutal murder of this man, 88-year-old delbert
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belton. one of the teen-agers have been charged with first degree murder and robbery. former congressman says that the attack is evidence of a bigger problem. >> this is a breakdown of the family. when you have 72% of black children born out of wedlock the failing education systems in the inner city and it is very disturbing. >> and stick around because in a few minutes we are going to be talking to his great nephew. you will want to hear his story. today the white house, president obama is meeting with his national security team at the white house. u.s. war ships could be used for
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a cruise missile strike. it comes as protesters are protesting. we now know where the ambassador was when there was that emergency meeting of syria. power a zoomed the post 19 days ago. grammy winni ning singer li ronstadt is revealing her battle with parkinson's disease. >> ♪ it always breaks my heart in two it happens every time ♪ >> she was diagnosed eight months ago but has had symptoms as long ago as 8 years. it has left her unable to sing and has to travel using a
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wheelchair. >> sadness. and it is a wedding day surprise that will warm your heart. a bride reunited with her brother, soldier, it had been years since army ranger brian douglas had seen his sister. he told her he couldn't make her b wedding and then surprised her moments before walking down the aisle. >> that is almost overwhelming. you are getting married and then you see him. >> and then you go no no you are ruining my makeup. >> my mom would be thrilled. good for her. >> let's check in with rick he is outside. >> it is a beautiful morning out here. >> we have this huge crowd from mississippi. >> how has your time in new york
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been? >> wonderful. is coming here the highlight? >> absolutely. >> we are talking about his fire with areas of the west. >> overnight it went from a 60,000 acre fire to a 120,000 acre fire. 150 miles from san francisco you might think they get a big part of their water. 80% of their water comes from the hetch hetchy reservoir.
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there is rainfall going into the southwest. it won't come on shore with the tropical storm. southern california could be getting heavy rain falling in quick amounts of time. all of the areas that you see have flood watches and warnings going on. a couple of inches of rain have fallen and there is flooding going on. we'll send it back to you inside. >> well, remember the benghazi attacks were at a year september 11th, 2012 and we still don't have a lot of answers and folks behind bars. suspects have been identified in this attack. we are learning new information and sources told fox news that the special operations group
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that we put in charge of getting these guys are getting out. here is what a source told fox news. >> my goodness they had 1200 prisoners escape weeks ago? pulling out all together what is the point of that it seems like we are giving up. the president was talking about phony scandals and no, he said it again yesterday. and speaking about college tuition and mentioned the phone a y scandals. >> i have not seen a policy
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coming out of them that would help ordinary folks and we can't afford the usual washington circus of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals. we can't afford that. we have too much work to do. >> the fact is we had four dead americans was it because of a protest or guys out for a walk one night. what difference at this point does it make? >> the difference is that these folks are still free. >> let us know what you think on our website. this story in the nsa scandal we are learning that we heard from those internet companies, they said we didn't know anything about the prism scandal that our information your e-mails were
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being used by the government. >> anything you google. >> they were being paid millions of dollars to cover the costs of looking into. if they wanted mike's information on facebook. i'll do that for you we need a little money on the side. >> i thought if p the nsa contacted google they voluntarily gave the information out. >> no, they are paid. >> and they may have been paid to lie. >> we are reading on it this morning. >> because they didn't know anything about it. they were told you cannot talk about this program you have to be quiet about it. were they forced to lie about the federal government. mean they'while they were recei millions of dollars. >> if you have a private business and you are asked are you doing this or that?
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you don't have to talk but this is the federal government. this is your money that is being used to pay google and yahoo! for this information so you do have the right to know. let's say you do have the power to spy on americans, and you are having trouble in your marriage and you want to spy on your spouse. >> pandora's box. >> and it is happening. we have learned that members of the nsa have been spying on lovers and their spouses while they have been traveling overseas you know how this would come up they would have to take a lie detect or test.
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have you ever used tools of the nsa for personal reasons they would say yes, because it would show up on the lie detector test. they had an internal name for t for interest traffic. they were calling it taxpayor dollars so if mike worked at the nsa he could spy on this lover? >> do you mind if the government is using your tax dollars to go into your google account or your yahoo! >> where does it stop? >> who is to say that they are not looking at other things. someone else out there. taxpayor dollars looking at
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this. >> all right fox news alert. manhunt underway at this hour for one of those teen-agers suspected of beating this man to death. his nephew is going to join us next. >> and a man tries to grab an 8-year-old girl. (ding, ding) how long have i had my car insurance? i don't know, eight, ten years. i couldn't tell you but things were a lot less expensive back then. if you're 50 or over you should take a new look at your auto insurance. you may be overpaying. actually that makes a lot of sense. old policy. old rates. and thanks to your experience behind the wheel, you might save $350 by switching to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. plus, you'll get benefits that reward your driving record. like our promise that you won't be dropped. wait, you won't drop me? seriously?
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the manhunt continues this morning for the second teen-ager alleged to have killed world war ii veteran. >> i'm so sorry for your loss.
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uncle delbert you called him. >> i just came back from california my marriage had fallen apart and i had nothing. sleeping on my mom's couch figuring out what i was going to do. and he went over and mom got in the car and pretty much just sent me back where i needed in tv getting me a job and helping me out. >> what was he like as a person? >> indescribable. a lot of people say this is a person is a great person but my uncle truly was. i never heard anything negative about him. after his happened a lot of people that i knew that didn't know that he was my uncle, a
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buddy that i used to buy car parts from me -- it is shocking. i can't believe this happened. >> i didn't deserve to die this way it is brutal. i read some information earlier. you said he probably not back. >> he was a tough old bird. he was wounded in okinawa and came back. he is still going out and playing pool. he lived an active life. >> your niece friends with one of the suspects. >> yeah, on facebook apparently. we didn't know that. blows my mind. >> what does she say about him. what was this guy like? >> from what i gathered it is one of those things everybody says don't say nothing don't judge him until you know him.
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she said he was pt that bad of a guy kind of quiet. >> it is unfortunate. >> not that bad of a guy. how do you feel about that now? >> honestly -- just like any grieving family member would say of course i would like to have my day with them that would make me stoop to his level. i wish he would turn himself in. >> what is the latest on this investigation. they are being real tight lipped. my uncle was everybody in the town knew him. it is a big town but we all know each other. they are keeping a tight lipped. >> we'll end it on this note if you could see these guys and you probably will in the courtroom what is your message for them. on behalf of your uncle and your
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family. what is your message. >> you guys picked on the wrong old man. he would have died for you. you could have asked him for anything. >> he sacrificed his life for all of us in world war ii. >> >> coming up. immigration officers being told not to follow the law. why they are now being told to let illegals go free. a live look into our nation's capitol. where a march is set to kick off in hours to mark martin luther ki king's famous speech. what lessons should we take from that moment 50 years ago.
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check it out... over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. so get a free rate quote today. i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon...lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. too small. too soft.
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welcome back. quick headlines for you. to not arrest or deport illegal immigrant parents with small children. and hello? it is the pope. if you write a letter to the po pope, he may call you up. a handful of total strangers say they have received a call from the pontiff. he said hello, it is the pope. wow. >> can you imagine if you let it go to voice mail? >> this coming wednesday will
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mark the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic speeches in our nation's anniversary. >> i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. i have a dream today. >> that is a live shot from washington, d.c. thousands will gather on the capitol. >> he spoke those words half a century ago. here with us this morning is reverend defraff. if he were still alive what would he say? >> i believe when he spoke 50 years ago god was speaking to america through a man.
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in that venue. i believe that the lessons then are still lessons for now. but they thought it was about racism and segregation. it was about other because we have those issues today. we have other and health disparities and gay rights and america is still wrestling with coming together. and he spoke to us about being americans together. >> would he see incredible progress in this country? >> boy have we come a long way. >> there have been more included in the american dream and there is no doubt about that. and yet there are more who are suffering in america. i think he would be speaking today. they are not racists and klansmen but they are comfortable not taking care of
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other americans. >> are we failing to, because we are so worried about being plitly colleplit ly correct? are we failing those who need us the most? >> it used to be in church that we would be reminded of the least of these. there are some thing that is ought to be in your heart and family and in your tradition that we look out for one another. we seem to be consumed to looking out for one another. >> how do you get through to our young people though, who weren't alive back in the 60s. it is pretty simple. the models are the not young people. what are we doing to take those ideals and live them. you know, we always say in church we would rather see a
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sermon than hear one. >> you say my generation raising kids. many of the people i know raising kids aren't putting their children in churches on sundays. is that part of the problem. i believe whatever your faith walk is, if you don't live it, your kids are seeing the gap. and they are living that gap. so we can't, when we see these stories about crimes they are valueless children. people are doing things because i'm bored because of the thrill of the moment. because they don't have a moral compass and it begins in your livingroom not in congress. >> and he lived it. >> that is important. >> thank you. >> great to see you this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> well, it is every parent's worst nightmare. how she was able to fight off
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that would be kidnapper. the professional fitness routine that will get you in shape. >> a pro football work out that the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause rious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right ay if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in md or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores friabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness,
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our shot of the morning, the fwha national zoo has a new member. she gave birth to her new cub a female yesterday. can we see the cub? the egg is about to hatch. >> did the cub come out? well, all right. her water broke and zookeepers give birth 50% of the time. they are keeping an eye on additions. didn't it looks like there was an egg in there? that wasn't an egg. >> would you please describe panda reproduction for me? >> apparently according to a new
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study. one of you guys break this down for us. strategic office flirting is okay. you say it is okay for your job? right. >> if you don't take it too far. >> they say stay classy. number one is eye contact. >> hey, how are you? >> that would be creepy. don't do that in your job interview. >> if you look away it looks like you are trying to hide something. this is it when i first interviewed with roger. you made a lot of eye contact. >> you flirt wednesded with him? they say get to the point don't be coy and stay classy don't do stuff creepy like i just did. >> why is she being so quiet?
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>> i don't want to get myself in trouble. >> some day when you meet roger try to employ some of those tactics. >> yeah. so anyway we had rachel on and she is a flirting expert. she said here is a good technique. >> in this day and age is flirting okay? >> yes. it doesn't have to be about the seduction and a lot of the flirting tips that i give team is translatable. doesn't it depend on region? i'm from the south i may say hey honey how are you sweetie? >> you are not allowed to say sweetie. >> i always say hun. >> don't south i was talking to someone and they said down in south america the culture down there is different.
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>> oh yes, ever been to rio? >> use common sense. >> here is jerry from colorado. he writes and says at work you're paid to do your job. work is not a bar. flirting creates tension and can be destructive if the romance doesn't work out. we are talking about strategic flirting. >> firsting at work? yes it's appropriate i met my husband at work. >> i work for the purpose of income so if flirting gets me ahead it only makes sense to do it. >> and russ tweets us you work at work you flirt on your only time. >> well we'll see. we got some horrible news in here. fox news alert. we are liking at a live picture at the 50th anniversary celebration at the march on
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washington, d.c. at least two tour buss collided on their way to this event. they were coming from detroit and crashed. they were almost there. 7 to 8 people hurt. we are keeping an eye on it. >> we will get more information. >> this major story army major nadal hassan found guilty on all counts. he faces the death penalty for killing 13 people when he injured others. he said this on fox and friends. >> what was really relieving is it took four years to come to this point and when survivors
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are talking about this, we talked about the need for justice to be served and when we saw the verdict come down, it meant a whole lot to us. all 13 jurors must vote for excuse or he will get the rest of his life in prison. and an 8-year-old girl fights off a would-be kidnapper in her backyard. >> she bit down on the man's hand and she kicked him and when she broke free ran into the neighbor's side door. >> the kidnapping attempt caught on a neighbor's surveillance camera. >> authorities are warning families to be extra vigilant. >> it was monkey see monkey do. little girl making friends with this gorilla.
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each other copies movements and sharing a kiss. >> you know what she said? >> oo oo oo oo oo afth, ah, ah, ah. >> what does a panda say rick? >> i don't know, i don't know those games. >> soon your level of conversation will drop. >> look at the weather maps. beautiful pictures coming into me. this is right on the shore of lake michigan. so the eastern shores, beautiful. thank you for sending that picture. getting to 81. very nice day there. central plains all of that heat website there across parts of the northwest. the fires are there and the heat
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is moving in towards the more then plains. sunday your temps into the upper 90s as well. so a big return to summer across the northern plains. it is summertime but it has felt like fall. it is football time. >> right erin is letting me borrow her shoes. >> you came out here in really really high heels and erin said you want my tennis shoes and we are the same size. we are here with diane and she is going to so us work outs for the fall. >> who are you? >> i went to san diego where i trained with trainers that work with pro athletes and they took me through an exhaustive work out.
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this equipment is from skills. this works your agility and coordination. all of the things we are going to see today is available at >> you want to hit the yellow mark every single time. your knees are up up up. >> i'm going to go. >> that's a girl. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> rick, come on. >> come on. >> what? okay. >> i think the women are showing you up a little bit. >> your knees are out. >> these are the hurdles. and this is making sure you have jumping skills because you have to get up. this is a high march and then you are going to run into it. it is this way and this way and you go. it is this way this way this
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way. greg? >> everybody wants to watch you do this. it is this way. yes, perfect. and we are going to finish our pro football work out with the medicine ball $34.99. this is for power and core strength. are you ready eye of the tiger? >> we are both squatting? >> and go. that's it? my core is tight. i think you should be recruited. you could do this at home if you want to and for those professionals out there. good luck for the rest of the season. >> thank you so much and if you want more information go to their website >> send it back to you inside. >> that was the best segment ever.
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designed for tight ends in the nfl. >> group calling for a starbuck's doboycott because i . >> and sara darling here to perform her latest single. >> are you flirting? >> why did you call her darling? >> at least we are not live on television. >> let's check with kneel. >> good morning. why get a job when it pays more to stay home. time to get this under control before we are all hooked and no way to get more money for the nsa. some way that is the only way to stop the government for spaying on us. and wowing america with his
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welcome to college speech. get ready to be wowed we'll see you at the top of the hour. wait for it... [ laughs ] you know, i'm not trying to be ungrateful here or anything... but i just don't think i should have to wait for it! who do you think i am, quicken loans? ♪ at quicken loans, we won't make you wait for it. our efficient, online system allows us to get you through your home loan process fast. which means you'll never have to beg for a quick closing. in fact, here at quicken loans we close the majority of our home loans in thirty days or less... and that's pretty darn fast! because we believe you've got better things to do than to wait for months for your loan to close. super fast closings... one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ [ dogs barking ]
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controversy brewing at starbucks in protest of their current gun policy. that policy allows customers to carry guns into the store that promotes the state law. >> joining us kim russell and scotty nell-hughes. >> my big drink is a skinny vanill vanil
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vanil vanillalatte. >> what is wrong? a state says that i can carry a handgun. why can't i take it into a starbucks? >> sit a private company and they are allowed to set their own policy. they have banned smoking within 25 feet of their stores to protect their customers. we feel that secondhand bullets are far more deadly than secondhand smoke. >> for once they are getting it right. i have to give them a toast for it. they are saying local governments we are going to go along with the rules and laws that you are putting in place. for them to sit there and say secondhand smoke you are more likely to die from that it is kind of ludicrous personally. you don't know about it if people walk in carrying a gun. >> that is kind of the issue
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that we have. in many states people can carry a gun with no permit. they are not screening customers as they come through the godoor? >> we have pointless crimes happening all the time. while i applaud a mom, i choose to protect my children by having my concealed weapon that i went to class and i'm very responsible with. >> what do you want starbucks to do. >> i've a survivor i've been shot by a gun and i watched a friend die by a gun. new york city trained police officers only hit their targets 34% of the time. how can we expect citizens to
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have that type of training. no one needs an assault rifle to buy a cup of coffee. >> hold on here. >> i got to run off and get some coffee. >> go starbucks. >> we have a treat for you. she is country music star here live. it is all about love. so then the little tiny chipmunks go all the way up... ♪ [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. ♪ what? what? what? [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good. just go to, configure your car, and get connected... to a truecar certified dealer... for guaranteed savings. save time, save money, and never overpay.
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visit still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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don't say it. >> i'm going to say it. she is the darling of country music. i'm sure you haven't ever heard that before. >> never heard that many my life. >> spending the year so far
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touring with superstars allen jackson. her latest stop on the road, right here on "fox & friends" with us. she is here to perform her new single, "little umbrella." >> sarah darling. we're not being flirty. that is her real last name. >> born and raised last name darling. >> oddly, sarah is a fake nipple. -- fake name. >> it is not. >> didn't you meet alan jackson when waiting tables? >> i did. i used to wait on tables. >> you metal an? >> actually, i worked at a steakhouse in nashville. >> and now you're singing on "fox & friends." >> take it away. "little umbrellas."
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♪ he broke your heart what are you going to do ♪ have a pitty party i have a better idea for you ♪ get on a southbound plane ♪ get a little umbrella watching his memory fade ♪ ♪ a little change in the weather sailing on a wind and wave ♪ ♪ it makes you feel better drinking up the tlop call sun ♪ ♪ soaking up the coconut rum killing little umbrellas ♪ ♪ call a friend, maybe three ask them if they want to come along ♪ ♪ yeah, vegas ain't the only place where you can get into something that you can't tell no one ♪ ♪ oh, yeah and by the way it's perfect timing that you
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called me ♪ ♪ i'm not that far over my ex practice makes perfect, so i can't wait to be ♪ ♪ killing little umbrellas watching his memory fade ♪ ♪ a little change in the weather sailing on a wind and wave ♪ ♪ it makes you feel better drinking up the tropical sun ♪ ♪ soaking up the coconut rum killing little umbrellas ♪ ♪ you got ma-tais, bahama mamas mudslides, pina he could lad yaz ♪ ♪ we'll be in island senioritas let's have another round of margaritas ♪ ♪ hey, hey cabana boy what you doing later tonight ♪ ♪ hey, hey, cabana boy i bet you look good in the moonlight ♪ ♪ hey, hey, cabana boy what you doing later on tonight ♪ ♪ hey, hey cabana boy
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i bet you look good in the monday light ♪ ♪ you can make a heartache disappear when you get off, i'll be right here ♪ ♪ killing little umbrellas watching his memory fade ♪ ♪ a little change in the weather sailing on a wind and wave ♪ ♪ it makes you feel better drinking up the tropical sun ♪ ♪ soaking up the coconut rum killing little umbrellas ♪ ♪ watching his memory fade a little change in the weather force ♪ ♪ sailing on a wind and wave it makes you feel better ♪ ♪ drinking up the tropical sun soaking up the coconut rum ♪ ♪ killing little umbrellas [ applause ] mm, ok!
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ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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